Prayer Times
Date | 13-Oct | 14-Oct |
Salat | Time | Time |
Fajr | 6:15 AM | 6:15 AM |
Zuhr | 1:30 PM | 1:30 PM |
(Juma) | 1:15 PM | 1:15 PM |
Asr | 5:15 PM | 5:15 PM |
Maghrib | 6:45 PM | 6:45 PM |
Isha | 8:00 PM | 8:00 PM |
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Fajr salat on Sat is right after Congregational Tahujjud - Earlier than time listed above
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to posted time so that salat can start on time.
Note: The times shown in the table above are for congregational prayers held at the mosque. For actual prayer times in your area, click here.
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