Fajr6:15 AM6:15 AM
Zuhr1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Juma)1:15 PM1:15 PM
Asr1:30 PM1:30 PM
Maghrib6:00 PM5:45 PM
Isha7:30 PM7:30 PM
Full salat calendar

Fajr salat on Sat is right after Congregational Tahujjud – Earlier than time listed above
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to posted time so that salat can start on time.

Note: The times shown in the table above are for congregational prayers held at the mosque. For actual prayer times in your area, click here.


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Dear Neighbor,
Greetings of Peace! 

Are you waiting for the Messiah, longing for peace, or hoping for a world rooted in justice and unity? The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community offers a timeless message: “Love for all, hatred for none.” This message is based on our core belief in the Oneness of God, who created us all.

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